The Hazards Golfing Society Privacy Policy
The Society’s commitment to your privacy
To meet current regulation, this privacy notice explains how we collect, store and handle your personal data. As this data is held on the website designed and administered by Net72, a note concerning its commitment to the Society is attached.
Why the Society collects your data
The Society collects your data to conduct the management of the Society and enable communication between the Committee / Secretary and members and between match managers and team members to arrange meetings, matches and events. It also collects it to keep records of positions held, meetings and match results, and prizes won.
The basis on which the Society collects your data
The Society collects and processes such data by consent of members as is necessary for the legitimate interests of operating the Society as a members’ private club.
What data is collected
We collect your name, address, date of birth, telephone and email details, golf club details, and handicap. Members can amend their details online. Data also includes records of meetings, matches and events including photographs.
How your data is collected
The Society collects your data on application for membership or on special request to existing members. It also collects data on entry to meetings, matches and events and in reports of the same.
Data Protection
We treat your data with the utmost care and take appropriate steps to protect it. Member’s personal information will be removed from the Society’s records on termination of membership but references to their name, positions held, prizes won and news items and photographs in which they appear may be retained as part of the Society’s archive.
When the Society shares your data
The only permitted use of your data is for the purposes of the Society. This may include sharing relevant data:
(1) with other members including match managers (eg contact information, reports and photographs etc) and
(2) with golf clubs at which the Society plays or venues for other meetings (eg names, golf club, handicap).
The Society will never share your data with other third parties for other purposes without your express permission.
We hope our Privacy Notice is helpful in setting out the way we handle your personal data and your rights to control it. If you have any questions that haven’t been covered, please contact the Secretary who will be pleased to help you.
September 2018 Ver2 MD
As members will know, the Society is now administered via the Society’s website, which is provided by Net72, a web designer and supplier. Members’ personal information as well as the Society’s records and similar data are held on servers controlled by Net72 and are accessed over the internet via the Society’s website subject to password protection
The net72 GDPR policy for the Hazards has been provided by its Director Charles Waud as follows:
All members information is stored within a MySQL database that is held on the web server. The web server is owned and operated by Krystal Hosting Limited of who we are a reseller. The web server is housed in a secure UK datacentre the meets the required standards; Firewall, DDoS protection + CloudLinux are installed as standard.
All account passwords held on the database are encrypted form and cannot be accessed by anyone else. The website is housed in its own separate cPanel account on the web server and is issued with a Secure Server Licence (SSL) certificate.
Information is collected and stored so that the Society can communicate with Members about the activities of the society.
Other Members can see basic information about their fellow members in order to arrange society events or contact one another in the Member Directory. The Member Directory is only accessible to other members of the Society that has a bona fide login. Anyone looking to join the Society or register through the website must be manually approved and cannot access the Member Directory until that manual approval is complete.
Under GDPR, individuals have the right to know what information is being held about them – they can make a Subject Access Request. This is accommodated by the Member Directory. Members can view and update their details at any time by logging into the Member Directory and clicking Edit Profile.
If Members want us to remove their details completely, they can email you and we will remove their details (please note they will no longer be able to access the protect areas of the website).
We do not share your information with any third parties.
Charles Waud
Director net72
44, Loman Street, London, SE1 0EH tel: 020 7940 5516
net72 is a company registered in England and Wales under company number 06767437 with its registered office at 4 – 6 Dudley Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 1LF.
Information about net72 can be found at
Krystal Hosting Limited
Krystal Hosting Ltd is a company registered in England and Wales under company number 07571790 and with our registered office at Alta Vista, Higher Warberry Road, Torquay, Devon, United Kingdom TQ1 1SD.
Information and the Privacy Policy of Krystal can be found at